Cardio Equipment
Tanglefoot has one of the area’s only Versa Climbers (full body climbing cardio machine) and is about to establish one of BC’s first Cardio Green Zones. This equipment harnesses energy from the user and feeds it back to the facility. It comes with wireless computer technology which displays and stores the user’s workout data, sending an electronic summary to the user after each session. Users can also register for a PowerPass which allows them to earn redeemable points as they use the new SportsArt Ellipticals and Recumbent.
Green Zone Equipment Highlights
SportsArt Green System Elliptical Trainers (2) – Adjustable stride, adjustable tension, heart rate grip sensors and power harnessing technology.
SportsArt Green System Recumbent Bike – Adjustable positioning, adjustable tension, heart rate grip sensors and power harnessing technology.
Versa Climber – Cross Crawl Climbing Cardio Machine with user adjusted stride, resistance control, electronic console and heart rate sensor for chest strap monitors.
Treadmills (3)
- SportsArt Green System Treadmill (as above)
- Star Trac Treadmill with adjustable ramp and speed and heart rate sensors
- Star Trac Treadmill with adjustable ramp and speed
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Ellipticals (4)
- SportsArt GreenSystem Elliticals (2)
- PreCor Elliptical Trainer with adjustable tension and ramp, heart rate sensors and cable tv monitor.
- Star Trac Elliptical Trainer with adjustable tension and heart rate sensors
Bikes (4)
- Star Trac Recumbent Bikes (2) with adjustable tension and heart rate sensors
- Star Trac Upright Bikes (2) with adjustable tension and heart rate sensors
- Star Trac V-Bike Spin Bikes (12)
Concept II Rower
Slide Trainer
Reebok Steps
Speed Ropes
Heavy Punching Bag
Resistance Equipment
Olympic Squat Rack (Power Rack) and Plates
Olympic Bench Press and Plates
Flat and Adjustable Benches
Dumbbells from 3lbs to 100lbs
Atlantis Functional Trainers (2) Unilateral adjustable cable systems
Apex High – Low Pulley Combo
Apex Supine Leg Press
Apex Prone Hamstring
Apex Seated Leg Extension
Apex Seated Calf Raise
Apex Seated Preacher Bench
Hanging Knee Raise
Vertical Knee Raise
45 degree Back Extension Frame
Medicine Balls, Resistance Tubing, Slastix Trainers
TRX Suspension Trainer
FitBall Stability Balls
BOSU Balance Trainers
Fitterfirst Wobble Board
Foam Rollers, Fitness Circles, Small Balls, Bands, Gliding Discs
Tanglefoot is interested in expanding its’ facility to include Olympic Lifting platforms and additional strength and conditioning equipment.
The Tanglefoot Training Centre can accommodate special group arrangements for organizations or teams.