Let us know if you’d like your name on the list for the Spring Trail Trekking season! Whether you’re preparing for hiking season, or simply wanting to enjoy being active outside, this program is a great way to explore beautiful local trails in the safety of a guided group. The weekly outings on Tuesdays at 9:30am, will begin April 21, and we also run a couple of weekend Treks each month (dates to be confirmed).

CHAIR YOGA with Brooke Mauws
This gentle Chair Yoga class is suitable for those with limited mobility, or those recovering from surgery, or anyone interested in a modified yoga experience. Build strength and stability for fall prevention, perform mindful movements to alleviate stiffness, and enjoy restorative poses and breathing for emotional well being. We have scheduled this for Tuesdays, from 10:45am – 12:00pm, and will begin once we have a few more people registered. Let us know if you’re interested!
